Here we will outline several commonly used coupon codes for our online checkout:
ordercombination -Looking to combine two orders without paying for shipping twice, use this to add to existing order. Important: this must be done within 24 hours of initial order, as we can only combine orders that haven’t been packed yet. Order number that you're looking to combine with must be entered in order comments box or second shipping charge will apply.
partskitdiscount -Looking to add discounted T81 parts kit to to pending order, use this code to add to existing order without paying extra for shipping. Important: this must be done within 24 hours of initial order, as we can only combine orders that haven’t been packed yet. Order number that you're looking to combine with must be entered in order comments box or second shipping charge will apply.
drummagdiscount -Looking to add discounted T81 Drum Mag to pending order, use this code to add to existing order without paying extra for shipping. Important: this must be done within 24 hours of initial order, as we can only combine orders that haven’t been packed yet. Order number that you're looking to combine with must be entered in order comments box or second shipping charge will apply.
lemildiscount -Free shipping for law enforcement and military members. Important: ID must be sent via email or shipping charge will apply. Once checked off you can simply put "ID on file" in order comments box for future orders.